Rant: Repro Dash Vents



Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
Reaction score
Red Lion, PA 17356
Hey guys, is it just me, or do the new reproduction dash vents suck? Pins don't line up. Had to open up the holes for the pins in the dash, then had to grind part of the vent tube down so it would sit somewhat square in the depression in the dash. I finally got them to where they are somewhat presentable, started putting the nuts on and snapped one of the pins off! And no, I wasn't cranking on it either. Just save your money and find decent originals. They sure make them sound nice though, better material than the originals, blah, blah... I hear a lot of people saying nothing is plug and play with our old cars. You've gotta modify, etc. Well, for $65 these things should install themselves. Well, I don't feel any better. Grrrrrr!!!!!:
You're right Scamper...........You're right............makes me boil sometimes, especially when they're that kind of money.............

I use originals whenever I can find them if they're restorable, but it ain't always the case..........and a lot of the new plastic just don't make the grade. :angry7:
I just got them from R/T Specialties on Friday. I was trying to install them today. I'm going to call Tom on Monday to see if there's anything he can do, i.e. refund. I sure as hell don't want any more of these pieces of crap. My brother was just over here and he agrees, they don't fit for squat, so it's not just me, lol. I don't have my old ones, but aren't they supposed to be square? The repros have a bit of a taper on one end. I'll try to upload a pic when I go upstairs later.
no they aren't square. They are left hand and right hand spacific. I'll bet my quarter on installer error. sorry
no they aren't square. They are left hand and right hand spacific. I'll bet my quarter on installer error. sorry

Yeah, I feel pretty stupid right now. I just flipped them around and they go in fine. Wish they were marked L and R or something, LOL. I'ts been about 5 years since I tore this thing apart and the memory is a little fuzzy. I could have sworn the defroster tubes angled to the front. Oh well, lesson learned. A $65 lesson.