Rear Main and oil pan


340 Dart

I don't know ****.
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
San Antonio
I am going to replace the rear main seal and oil pan gasket in my 225 slant.
I currently have it out, still attached to the tranny and sitting on the floor.

I have never done this on a slant before. I am unsure how to go about this exactly and was hoping some of you guys with some experience would have some good ideas.

Should I go through all the trouble of unhooking the tranny and mounting it on an engine stand etc.....? Or is this relatively easy and I can do it by lifting the engine up a little and using jackstands or something to support it?

It's much easier to install the pan with the engine up-side-down. Drop the pan first while it's right side up....then turn it over. Keeps all the crud in the bottom of the pan from dropping back into the engine. Torqueing the main caps is easier too without oil dripping in your face! Clean that strainer when you have the pan off.
Thanks, Mark
Its MUCH easier on a stand. The slant six . org article is Great and works the best. I have done it many times this way and NEVER had a leak.
Thanks for all the info guys!

I am leery of the stand because I am not sure if I can turn it over by myself. Once I get it going, I am not sure I could stop it, Lol.

I am thinking I might lift it up with the engine hoist and set the tranny down on my welding table and do it like that, after it is properly supported.
I Need to clean the block and tranny and prep it for new paint anyway. Probably easier to do it if it is right there at waist level.