redoing my door panels HELP!



Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
Reaction score
Eureka,Ca Humboldt
so me and my gf tore off the old nasty 1 and spray glued the whole side and rolling pinned it on and it was blk vynal tough stuff then me cut around and cut some sides and glued that back the glue dosnt like to hold tight so (duct tape saves the day again)so we put a couple strips of tape on and pulled tight and let sit im hoping it will turn out better then torn and gross.anyways if anyolne has ne inputs on helping me plz do not hold back but im not paying 700 dollars for 4 door panels i bought the vynal for 4 yards for 36$
I just made all of my own door panels. Check them out . I bought all of the material for about $70-$80.00. My '65 barracuda. I was NOT going to pay even half of the amount that they wanted for new ones. And I dont really like the original ones anyway. So I made these from scratch using my old beat to **** ones for templates. I got the viyl material at the local arts and crafts store. The 1/8" board from Home depot. And the gold coating from the local auto parts store.

all of the panels001.jpg

all of the panels002.jpg

all of the panels003.jpg

all of the panels004.jpg

all of the panels005.jpg
If you want any info at all I'll be more than happy to tell you how I made them. It turned out way better than I could have ever hoped.
this is a pic i took with cell phone dosnt look great but thats nothing cut out the holes its g;ued back but yea im hoping it will b ok for awhile
you have to spray the glue to the material and to the surface you are applying it to.barracudadude those door panels look awesome!!! good job!!!
i did thought i said that but yea sprayed on vynal and wood its gonna work i think i gave it enough time im letting it sit over night and we'll see pics tomarrow when i get off lame *** work
Spray glue is ok for some things but for laminating I use contact cement. Especially on vertical surfaces It comes in a can. Its brushed on both surfaces and allowed to dry shortly. It gets extremely tacky. You get on shot at placing the fabic or vynil on the board correctly. Bonds strong and immediately on contact. Welwood is a good brand.
Hmmm Im Too Broke For More Stuff The Can Of Spray Glue I Bought Was The Highest Grade For 15$ A Can CALLED HI-PRO SPRAY GLUE ADHESIVE
I cant really give you any advise. I did not use spray on glue for my panels. I wanted to be able to take them back apart if I needed to so I used my staple gun.