repaint or partial ?



Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
buffalo ny
I'm sort in a tough spot. I noticed a few little dings on the pass side of my Dart mostly on the fender and the lower portion of the door. Don't know how they got there, but they are there ! My car was just apinted 2 years ago, acrylic enamel PPG Pure White. It never sits outside because I have a garage. My question is that what are my chance of matching up the paint on them to spots, I know I will have to repaint the fender, and was hoping of only shooting the bottom of the door. Any advice I all ears !
It really shouldn't be a problem to match. You didn't happen to have some left over when you painted it? If it's been sealed up good and hasn't settled out so bad you can't stir it up good you can use that.
If you have to have some mixed it should be fine, too. The only time I've had a problem with matching a full repaint is if the guy mixing the paint wasn't careful when he mixed the gallon (or whatever). I have seen some guys over-pour a little and let it go thinking it doesn't matter since it's for an overall paint job. I usually try to buy a little more than I'm going to use in case I do need to do a touch-up.
Have you considered PDR? A really good PDR tech might be able to take them out and you wouldn't have to do any repainting.
Good luck,
I don't think the front one will be fixable without disturbing the paint, it has a crease in it. The other 2 I have no clue I say there dings but they are really not, they could have been there since the car was painted and I just noticed. I was hoping to hear it should match up ! I' rather mask off and shoot a door and fender then a whole car again ! Just ordered a gallon of paint, so I know I will have plenty for next time, hopefully there won't be one !
I don't think the front one will be fixable without disturbing the paint, it has a crease in it. The other 2 I have no clue I say there dings but they are really not, they could have been there since the car was painted and I just noticed.

If any bodywork was done in those areas, you may have a little shrinkage showing up. If that's the case reblocking and repainting is the only solution.