replacing fuse box with blade style



Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2005
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i am looking at switching my fuse block over to a 12-21 circuit blade style fuse block. if anyone has done this and no of place to get the fuse boxes cheap and has a how to to wire it up let me know
If you know how to solder and do heat shrink,you can do this at home.The parts are in the local scrap yard and you need to do the look and find run for a car with a full power electrics system,this way you get the box with the most circuits in it.You then look to see what circuits on the new box are power all the time and what are not,and which ones are relayed controled.Take not of the year of the car the box is coming from and I can email you the electrical diagrams for it,as a bit of reference,mrmopartech
hmm funny i nvr thought of doing it that way lol i got a whole wiring harness of a 1987 t2 shelby daytona i think in fact it comes with fuse box. i was looking at a 21 circuit harness on ebay for 135 or a 12 circuit painless for 96 bucks if those are any easier. the car i got right now is a 71 dodge demon
Call Painless Wiring. Speak to a technician. Tell them what you want to do. They'll hook you up with everything you need. I do these types of conversions regularly. If you've never dealt with the myriad of wires coming off the back of a fuse box, the junkyard route is not the way to go. A wiring diagram is not going to help you. Only experience will. You can do this job youself with quality materials and proper instruction. Seek both. And not to scare you, but keep in mind that faulty wiring can lead to the demise of your car.