Sad editing news...



Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
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So today I was editing my first 72 demon video for you guys so I got all my videos onto my iPad to start editing. After about an hour of good editing I was done! So I was exporting it to my photos when it said I didn’t have enough storage. I went and deleted a bunch of old videos and went back to my editing app and it said I had missing clips... I checked and I realized I deleted a full 4 minute clip doing a run down of my car... the sad thing is I deleted it from recently deleted before I went back on the app... so no way I have to re video and re edit a lot... sorry guys the first video isn’t coming tonight.
Good news! I recovered the video because it was saved on my micro sd card! It’s all good!
I recorded over part of our wedding video. I'm still hearing about that. LOL
I recorded over part of our wedding video. I'm still hearing about that. LOL
Don’t feel bad, my older sister stole our only wedding video against my expressed wishes that she couldn’t have it and took it to a place that erased the whole damned thing in her misguided attempt to make copies. She’s lucky my wife still lets her into our house...LOL!
I was trying to save a bunch of mopar National and local car show pictures to the SD card on this phone. But instead of adding the pictures to the card I erased them all.
There were a few that I had downloaded off my camera that were still saved in the download file though.
So it was only a 92% loss instead of 100%. Oh well.
Looking forward to it.
WTF Demonyte? Where's this infamous pix or video? If your just gonna tease us I got an X wife just like that! Hah!
And my Brother in law a self proclaimed photographer took all our wedding pix. But..... he did not have a battery in so literally did not save a single pix. Wife wanted to kill him. Hah we all been there! Post em when you can.