Saw this familiar Duster in the Bag

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Wasn't that dude here asking questions about the car and how to sell it, or something like that.

Not for nothing, it is largely undone and your taking alot to believe the work is actually done to it. Lota dough for a unfinished project.
Hes the one that told me to go f myself because I thought his $6500 buy it now price was to much. He asked for opinions but got mad when no one told him what he wanted to hear.

Then to redeem himself he jacked up the price on the auction with a second name that was obviously him (no feed back and references to his past auctions)

I felt bad for him because he stated he was selling because he was out of work. We've all been there, and its not fun.
Maybe we should all give him a virtual group hug? Ya right! This is what upsets me about some bleeding hearts on forums like ours. Some people cannot recognize when people are using the group with a very good chance that you will never hear from them again after they have sold their car, their parts, their products (or get what they wanted from the group ... boy, this is just like real life).

Anyway, I say screw him! His "go F yourself" to Adam (or anyone else on here for that matter) was enough for me to stick him in the category I mentioned above. Also, when someone here takes the side of some fly by night that is flipping a car/part and his only posts are re: selling, selling, selling over those who have offered up advice and time, then I think to myself, "That person just doesn't get it." Rant mode off.
Geez GTX say what's on your mind, but alass I tend to agree. I've noticed recently that a few of the new guys only sign up to sell there stuff then they're gone, never to be heard from again. Personally this ticks me off since this site is far more than a used car lot but then again there have been a few good deals offered before they took them to ebay. Hell, I love it when they ask for advice, that's when the boys get seperated from the men and we all get to practice our diplomatic skills, ya right.

Hi Terry,

I know sometimes it may seem like I am on my high horse or just going totally insane but this topic just really makes me go absolutely mental. Especially so, when it is pretty apparent what is happening and you comment on it and someone else attacks you for making an observation/comment (and one that is meant to be for the good of the forum members). It's one of those times when you either continue on with your opinions or just cut it all loose.
see whats wrong with all you guys you go telling him his stuff isnt worth what he thinks it is boy were you wrong he showed you with that 5000 BIN see and you thought he was asking too much at 7000 boy did he prove us wrong :-D:-D What an a$$ i know he may be going through hard times but to get pi$$ed off that everyone thinks he is asking to much and then when he gets no where near what he wanted for it on ebay he must have finally realized everyone here was right you just dont sink that kind of money in a 318 and post 73 car if you arent going to keep it for yourself i mean no disrespect to 318s and post 73 cars i love both but they are not big dollar items if you are going to build either make sure you realize if times get tough the money you get back out of them are going to be minimal compared to what you may have in them Justin
And it's out in Crapofornia:munky2:

That's "The People's Republic of Kalifornia" to you free people

And he's got $2900 in the 8 3/4? What a doofus.
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