seat removal



Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2008
Reaction score
North Carolina
hey guys,

im trying to take the front seat out of my scamp and was wondering if anybody has any tips?

i found the bolts under the car but once i loosen them the whole thing spins around and i cant figure out how to get it to stay while i loosen the nut. im trying to replace the pass. side floor pan. any tips for this while im at it?
Why not have someone hold it for you??

Just saying :prayer:
Vise grips.
It takes two people to get it out pretty much, unless you are going to drag it across everything.
Just did it last weekend, but I had help.
Watch for the seatbelt buzzer wires connected to it undeneath the seat.
The studs that are swedged into the tracks turn loose often. Not much of a head on it or room to get a tool on it. I have had to cut them with a grinder. Then I need both nut and bolt going back. Good luck
Is it rusty at all? Here's what I would try.

I'd spray a ton of PB blaster all over it.

I'd put another nut right on the end of the stud and bang it with a hammer to break up any rust in the nut. Not too hard because you don't want to damage the threads.

Then I'd clamp come vice grips down on the stud and see if I could turn the nut. Just be careful because you don't want the vice grips to damage the threads either.

You could also try an impact gun. It could possibly turn the nut loose faster than the stud will spin.

I don't think you can just put a wrench on the other side of the stud in the interior but I could be wrong.
thanks for the tips guys, cant put anything on the top of the bolt easily, it looks like a button. ill probalby switch them out anyway cause they are pretty rusty, might weld a nut on so this doesnt happen again
any tips for the floor pan? my main question about that is where are all the spot welds and do i have to drill them out or can i just cut them out? and finally are there any fuel/ brake lines that run under there that i need to worry about?
Fuel line runs along under passenger floor, you can see it from under the car.

Best method of removing seat bolts nuts is to, remove under coating from bolt with brake cleaner then clean rust from threads with fine wire brush, spray with PB Blaster, and let them soak for a day or two.
thanks, what about the spot welds? do i need to drill them out and if so where are they? for the floor not the
They run along the frame across the floor and on the sides of the floor pan. Either find them and drill them out or use an air chisel to get in between the sheet metal and frame and cut them out that way.
Auto body supply joints sell spot weld cutters that look like a cross between a drill bit and a hole saw in various sizes if you don’t have an air chisel.

Here is a web store with photos of them:
actually i already have a spot weld cutter, got it two years ago and never ended up using it lol.