Seatbelt Removal



Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2009
Reaction score
Waterloo, SC
Alright, it's me again with more problems.

I'm trying to remove the remnants of the seatbelts in the car. The bolt won't move at all, but there are two nuts and a plate on the underside of the car.

The bottom nut came off without a problem. There is a bigger nut though that I can't get to turn, even after spraying it with PB Blaster.

How do you all suggest I go about removing the last nut and bolt?
To my knowledge those nuts should be welded to the plate's.

Let the pb blaster soak in. If that doesnt work you might have to grind it off, and use new bolts and nuts.

If I remember right I used all new grade 8 bolts/nuts on my early A.
The original nut should have been welded in place. There wasn't supposed to be a 2nd nut either. The bolt may have been cross threaded and siezed up in the threads. Back the bolt out with a 1/2" pull bar and socket. A end wrench or a 3/8" ratchet aint enough tool. Good luck
Sprayed it with PB Blaster again, still no luck.

I don't have any pull bars, but I do have a few breaker bars. I don't have a 1/2" drive 5/8" socket, so I had to use the 3/8" drive breaker bar. Still no luck, after pulling with all my weight (not much) and kicking it. =/
I'm guessing no impact or one strong enough... that's ok

Do you have a piece of pipe that will go over the breaker bar to use as an extention? (beware, I have broken many a breaker bar doing this)

Also, if there is nothing around it to catch fire get a torch on it then reef on it with that breaker bar!

If all else fails, like Johny Dart said "grind it off and get new bolts and nuts"
Went out to try it again. Kicked the bar, and something gave. It wasn't the bolt.

I'm just going to get a Sawzall from a friend and cut out around the bolt. I'll try the drivers side bolt. If it doesn't give I guess I'll do the same to it.