Serious Question Here..



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Mar 21, 2015
Reaction score
How does one sand / strip in these tight areas..? This is the inner fender well of my Demon, and I'd like to hear the best ways to attack these hard to access places.
P.S... Undercoating SUCKS to remove..! I've used an angle grinder wire wheel to get to this point..

Yeah, blasting is probably the easiest way.
Blast it. That's what I did.

Be careful with the undercoating....God knows what they put in it?
Unfortunately, I don't have access to a blaster.. plus would be a HUGE mess in the
Try some Easy Off oven cleaner. Works good . don't get the cheap knock off cleaner. Spray it on , let it sit for a day or so. Hose it off !
i don’t recommend blasting the outer sheet metal or the backside of outer sheet metal but you could get the whole underside and engine bay, interior floor, and trunk floor of car done professionally for $400 bucks. that would require a total nut and bolt job before you take it to them. dont want to risk warping the sheet metal for sure.
Try some Easy Off oven cleaner. Works good . don't get the cheap knock off cleaner.
I actually prepped it with Easy Off.. Might have made it come off a little easier when using my grinder / wire wheel set up...but not really penetrating enough as a stripper.
i don’t recommend blasting the outer sheet metal or the backside of outer sheet metal but you could get the whole underside and engine bay, interior floor, and trunk floor of car done professionally for $400 bucks. that would require a total nut and bolt job before you take it to them. dont want to risk warping the sheet metal

i don’t recommend blasting the outer sheet metal or the backside of outer sheet metal but you could get the whole underside and engine bay, interior floor, and trunk floor of car done professionally for $400 bucks. that would require a total nut and bolt job before you take it to them. dont want to risk warping the sheet metal for sure.
Now you tell
$400... SOLD..!!
Yeah, they are, but the research I've done tells me my little 21 gallon compressor won't do the job.
Well all I can say is, be a car guy and get a bigger one. You probably need it anyway. I have two, a 30 gallon portable and a 120 gallon big one behind the shop that I cobbled together from a bare tank years ago. I'm broke as a haint and if I can do it, anybody can.
Rusty's right, but remember that air compressors are measured both by tank size and CFM (cubic feet per minute). You can have a giant tank, but if your compressor can't output the CFMs you need, it's useless.

and @Vertex_Jeff treed me. was just typing that a needle scaler would be helpful.
You might consider a HF soda blaster. It isn't as good as a sand blaster, but it'll get you close, and no chance of warping the panel from too much heat.
Soda ain't blastin' no 3/16" thick 50yr old hard as a rock undercoating off, even with a lot of air pressure, Mine kicks off at 145psi....I'd be ten years into My retirement still workin' on it with that.....
Scrapers, kerosene, stiff brushes & scrubbies.
Of course, you can just leave the stuff on. After all, it did protect the car through all types of weather for the last 50years.