Slipping trans and no reverse?



Mar 27, 2013
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Cherry Hill
Okay my trans won't go into reverse any more and when I'm driving and I let off the gas it slips out of gear and when I try to hit the gas again it won't go back into gear and I'm just gliding down the road reving my engine until it roughly pops back in! I need help, this happened on my slant six 904 and now I have a 318 and I'm getting the same problem what is happening?
when mine did that I took it apart and found the pressure plate was snapped in half! Rebuild
Have you checked the fluid and if so did you check it in neutral or park? If you checked it in neutral and it shows full that's a sign it's time for a rebuild. If you checked it in park and it shows full it's really way low on ATF
If its slipping in high and no reverse, The high drum is pouched.
If its slipping in low and no reverse, the L/R band is in need of adjustment, or its pouched
If its slipping in all forward gears, and no reverse, then the Forward clutch is pouched, and either the L/R band or the Highdrum is pouched.
If its slipping in Drive/breakaway, and no reverse, it may be the rear roller-clutch.
So the plan is; As noted above check the fluid level in NEUTRAL,on level ground and oil hot. If the oil level is correct the pan needs to come off and the band adjusted. If its pouched you will be able to tell.The oil will stink,the pan will have debris in it, and the band anchor may be laying in the pan.But; If the pan/oil is normal,and it accepts adjustment then you can button it up and roadtest. If no change, the tranny will need an overhaul.
If the oil is stinky and dark, I would go straight to the overhaul.