some things do go right



Well-Known Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I put the pistons in the 440 today. They were spec'd to come up to within .019" of the deck.

Much to my surprise, they are even a little closer than that. :D .016"

The way it has seemed to be going, I figured for sure they would be down about .030"

I do have a question though.....

What is the torque spec on arp rod bolts for a big block (using the arp moly lube)

I seem to have misplaced my spec sheet, and I don't have a stretch gauge :shock:
dave571 said:
What is the torque spec on arp rod bolts for a big block (using the arp moly lube)

Take a look on ARP's web site, the specs for all their fasteners are on there.
Thanks! 8)

I find that site alittle crappy to navigate.
It probably doesn't help, that I'm at work, and here I only hsvr "dial up"

Dial up sucks! :x