Stall speed



Aug 15, 2005
Reaction score
Richmond RI
I have a question about stall speeds. If you have a convertor with a 3000 stall, would you have to keep engine rpms above that to keep from building excess heat and causing trans or convertor failure? My car will see a lot of highway use. Just trying to plan the right combination now so I don't have to change things later. Would rather put a milder package together and have drivability than a real hot setup. Current motor thats going in is a 383 9.2 compression with a .484 purple shaft cam. Since its going to be a street car would I be better served with a milder cam that can go with a stock convertor? Thanks. Neil
Thats what they say. If the motor is spinning say 2500 rpms and the converter stalls at say 3000rpm it will build more heat the if you had a lower stall. I run a 4200rpm converter on the street with a big cooler and its been fine but I dont put a ton of miles on the car either.

I personally think you'll be fine.