Steering Shaft Q



Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2009
Reaction score
Newport Beach, CA
I know that from the factory mopar injected nylon into the steering shafts so that they would collapse on impact.

I've read on here and other forums that if the shaft does collapse you can use nylon screws in place of the factory nylon injection.

Well this was my plan going into my steering column rebuild. When I seperated the shafts and removed the nylon from the upper shaft, I noticed that there are no holes...The lower shaft has them but not the upper.

Does everybody just drill holes into the upper shaft and then use the screws or what?

Ive read about tac welding them together instead but I do not have access to a welder
Drill a new hole and use a small brass or aluminum screw. This will still allow the column to collapse and prevent the two shafts from rattling