Steps for 'installing' patch pannel


1966 dart wagon

Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2005
Reaction score
Sioux Falls, SD
hey guys, got another question, I finaly got my patch pannels for my fenders the other day woohoo, anyways i already made special patches for part of the fenders where it bolts under the hood :thumblef: and now i need to replace where the fender wraps around the rocker. are there any tips for doing this, my pannel is pretty off, it was literly beat with a hammer :cwm10: should i get it fitting over the excisting piece then cut the old piece out,then replace that section with my new piece, this is correct right. i dont wanna just lay it over the old piece so rust spreads. My dad will help me out on all of this, but i was wondering if you guys had any tips or tricks for doing so. thanks guys :thumblef:
Mopar muscle had a great article on this. Basically it said to cut a rough patch panel around where you need it, fasten with either klecko orivets or even small sheetmetal scews. then cut with the smallest size cutoff wheel you can find. I think it's 040. do an inch or two at a time ppeel back the section you cut out and line it up flush. I found my fingers to do the best job. Just tack it in one or two spots and repeat eachj time cutting away 1-2" and tacking. Never run a stich just tack so the metal doesnt distort. go all the way around now start filling in the tack spots on one side of the panel to the other. Take your time until you have a series of tack weld that all fill in. Use a big sanding disc to take out the high spots of the weld then either lead, or bondo the pit holes left behind. Of course it sounds east but I have had great results with this method. Some will tell you to make a lap seam and you can if you wanna do it relly right but I'm a backyard Mopar guy. Of course im no bodyman either.