STOLEN CAR. email forward



gearhead 4 life
Jun 10, 2006
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One reason I never take a check unless it clears first . What a bummer. That car is long gone. I have been there two in one day but they were stolen I didn't give them the keys.
where was the guy from ? he must have had a phone to set up the deal in the first place lets start there
Sorry to hear about this hope you find it.
No,could use an accomplished email,and payper cell.Under an assumed name.
Yes, the news is all over western Canada and down into the states. Talked to a Mopar restorer here and he's had, he figures, a couple dozen calls from contacts in the states and Canada keeping a close eye out for it. The Charger is a 383 car or at least was. The people dealing with Charger parts are pretty tight knit bunch. They found the truck and trailer, which were also stolen the following day so god only knows what it's moving in now or could be in a barn local.
Just a matter of time before they find this guy. I am sure this is not the first car he has stolen, someone has to know him from the pictures...They need to put it on the local news up in Canada..Someone will know this Jerk..
I would loved to have seen this car equipped with LoJack or the like so the police could go right to the criminals house and arrest him.
Not my car. I am just passing on the word for awareness.

I hate Criminals. I hope some gives him what he deserves. Lords now the "justice" system wont
When was it stolen? I may have seen the truck and trailer on the highway recently. I see it says Jan 14th, duh
No,could use an accomplished email,and payper cell.Under an assumed name.
you don't negotiate a sale like that with 1 anonymous phone call and drop phones can be tracked after the fact . Hopefully he's not heading for Southern Ontario , there's some guys there who have been known to bury Sea Cans under there fields .
a VIN number of the stolen car would tell a lot, anyone know? interesting that the magnums are not on the car in the last shot in the link. i have the sellers Email address if someone that knows the stolen cars owner , wants to find out more.
I sent an email back in January to the guy detailing where and when I saw the truck and trailer, but no response. So I would assume the car was found or he got a good insurance settlement.
Also I don't think that is the car in Quebec. It looks like a black interior on the stolen car and the one for sale has white interior. Also since the car was stolen in January from alberta (snow on the ground), and if it was taken to Quebec this winter the pictures would have to have snow on the ground too. Looks like a midsummer day in Quebec.
Also I don't think that is the car in Quebec. It looks like a black interior on the stolen car and the one for sale has white interior. Also since the car was stolen in January from alberta (snow on the ground), and if it was taken to Quebec this winter the pictures would have to have snow on the ground too. Looks like a midsummer day in Quebec.

i studied the pics for 15 minutes trying to pinpoint any obvious differences, and i couldnt really tell if the hot charger has white interior, but it appears to be black to me as well. it sure is a twin though
How'd they get pics of the thief? It sucks that you can't take a person at their word anymore. Also, that car has prolly been chopped, parted, and mostly sold. I'd be checking craigslist and ebay for parts for sale that look similar.
Who in their right mind let's someone drive off with a car like this, with nothing but a piece of paper ? Especially in this day and age.
I understand the guy had a bogus "certified cheque" ! Its comforting to know that there are "eyes" out there ,cause I woud cry like a baby if my 67 cuda disapeared!