Stolen Parts Northern California



Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2008
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Putting this out there , you never know what might turn up.

An acquaintance of mine had his storage ripped off so I told him I'd help out by posting a list of the stolen parts.

Here is the list he sent me:

7 BAE heads
1 crower clutch
1 Bonifante Clutch
2 44 amp MSD mags and coils
enderele fuel system
hogan intake
barrel valve
waterman 60 gal. per minute fuel pump
Alcoa wheels for 30 series crew cab
stage 5 rocker arms
valve covers
hand tools, etc.

Dave Zappetini

Stuff was taken out of the Richmond area.

Thank you.
He may want to check local scrap metal yards. With the prices up, a lot of metal is being stolen for scrap. Crackheads don't know what they have, just that it's aluminum or copper and they can sell it easy.
Talk to the local track/street racers.That is special stuff,they will unload quickly,usually locally.There was a reason that unit was picked,someone probably knew.
Thanks for the ideas, hadn't thought of the obvious about the scrap metal.

I worked on a job a while back, someone stole the copper downspouts right off the front of the house.
check the swaps. those parts are drag only pretty much.they might sell for scrap but i think a scrap yard would trip off those heads,being what they are and ask too many questions.they prob. knew the guy.check the out of town swaps l.a. turlock other odd out of the way places.hope you catch them thieves suck