Stop in for a cup of coffee

My friends had one of those computers... I used to go to their house after school and play that game where you explored the pyramid and had to fight the monsters...
Used a cassette to "program' the comp. Had no hard drive, it all got loaded in 4K of ram! 4K!!! then we got a "Big update" 8 K ram!!! 8 K!!!!
Used a cassette to "program' the comp. Had no hard drive, it all got loaded in 4K of ram! 4K!!! then we got a "Big update" 8 K ram!!! 8 K!!!!

Yeah, now the RAM on today's computers is bigger than the hard drives on the old computers that we learned on....
I remember DOS... And BASIC, and Fortran, and Cobalt...

And what were those 7 1/2" floppy discs???? You know the soft flexible ones before the 4 1/2" hard floppy....

Us old farts remember that...

The young ones like Chris and Rani are like, "Whaat"????

Us old farts remember that...

The young ones like Chris and Rani are like, "Whaat"????

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actually, i used those big 7 inch floppies up until junior high. the smaller ones all the way thru college in fact. I didn't get a CD player until college. And we still had 45s and record players. Now if you go just 6 years younger to my siblings, you would be correct. I even learned C dos and how to type all that in. you know, before the days of user graphic interfaces and the Microsoft Windows 95 software.
How many time you die playing Oregon trail???
too many to count. I think i only made it all the way once or twice. I know I usually died in the northern plains when i couldnt find buffalo or ran out of bullets.
too many to count. I think i only made it all the way once or twice. I know I usually died in the northern plains when i couldnt find buffalo or ran out of bullets.
I froze to death so many times.......:lol:And Indians got us.......