Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good Morning Craig.....I am just lurking procrastinating the get ready for work mode
Well looking forward to the day when you wake up and think...Hmm what am I going to do today?? Hope it comes soon.

Cloudy...had a spell of rain last night. Glad I got a coat of stain onto the deck.

I smell the coffee. Heading for the kitchen
It will be a life change. A big cut in pay
Will you be eligible for Social Security by then??
It can be a bit scary thinking about it.
We all who have retired made the adjustments and enjoyed the change in life.
You will too.
Weird weather here yesterday, 70 degrees in the afternoon and rain started to come in. Probably won't get that warm here again until May
Sounds like we have a considerable number of people leaving our company due to the vaccine mandate, some retiring, others changing jobs/states.
Kind of funny you had a meet and great on my first ship with the XO he asked me why I joined and that was my answer. We always got along great.
Good morning and happy Friday (to those that don't live in perpetual Saturday). Happy Saturday to yous then. I hope all is well out here. Short day and some more work on the boy's truck, maybe mow grass if I can. Frost this AM and highs about 50 all weekend.