Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good morning, still sick, but a bit better. Crazy sinus pressure this AM. Weak overall.

Sitting. Waiting for customers. and wondering about

OMR, hasnt been around. I know he said he was taking a break. Anyone heard from him?
No was going to call him today. Man my retirement pay is still not finished. Calling them for the 7th time again. Come on man whats the issue!
Took Cheryl about six months to get it all processed. She had a nice back pay deposit.
I understand though you’d rather have it now.
An official Good Morning fellas. Happy Birthday Hoppy. Off to talk to a Medicare service provider this morning. I'm losing a lot of insurance benefits now the wife is retired. (She's already thinking about going back to work somewhere) LoL
Morning, dentist appointment this morning. So have to wait on coffees. Then working on Barracuda . Then the horses get a pedicure this afternoon.