Stop in for a cup of coffee

Actually they have trouble pronouncing my name in Vietnam. Many of them call me Mitt. Which is the Vietnamese word for the Vietnamese fruit Jackfruit. Even when they text me something with my name in it it comes out on my end as Jackfruit. That's okay though, I like Jackfruit. It's very tasty. :lol:

Jackfruit is better than being called jackass... :D
How's your power tour car coming along? I'm serous about doing it next year.....
Body work starts tomorrow and continues every morning for the next 3 weeks. Hoping to have it in full primer by the end of it. We shall see
Homemade peach “jelly”. More like a sauce than a jelly but it’s really good on ice cream


I'm getting hungry... Going to get a burger at my local bar and then finish catching up on the "back of the back reading"....

Then maybe go back to the front of the back reading and see how much I can cover...

Then get to today's alerts...

Catch you all on the flip side...
Sorry to hear that, condolences. Sadly, have heard similar from others. I think almost all US nursing homes were pretty much in lockdown for a long time. Not sure what current policies are. Our local medical facilities are all still requiring masks. Otherwise everything is pretty much 'normal' now. Will be interesting to see where flu season takes us. We had a brief period of mask required at work last 'flu season' but as soon as the state backed off they did too.

When I was in the hospital, I didn't have to wear a mask in my room...

But all of the workers who came in did... Some of the workers also dressed in the disposable yellow 'hazmat' suits, but some didn't....

From that I am getting a signal that wearing a mask helps keep you from getting it and not so much as spreading it to others...
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Well hello everyone, the plan is made and I am expecting good results :thumbsup: been seeing a few specialist in the last few week, life went upside down, had to rethink my next few months or maybe less a few weeks ago (cancer) near my hip bone, but got a good phone call today that it is not going to be life threatening, one doctor told me to get my things in order, like property :wtf: scarring the wife and I to death.
Turns out the local skin doctor here needs his license pulled (my opinion) went to a specialist in little Rock and had some biopsy and exrays and seems like fifty tests on my urine and blood , they said positively it has not got to any of my organs, so :) I will be around for a few more years :D...

I want to thank @toolmanmike for covering for me here and trying to keep this site in check :thankyou:

I am in good hands now, so everyone better shape up or ship out :lol:

Missed everyone, @halifaxhops , I will get my mind clear now and see what I can come up with my friend.
Going to enjoy the fresh air like I have not in 3 weeks or more :thumbsup:

Well hello everyone, the plan is made and I am expecting good results :thumbsup: been seeing a few specialist in the last few week, life went upside down, had to rethink my next few months or maybe less a few weeks ago (cancer) near my hip bone, but got a good phone call today that it is not going to be life threatening, one doctor told me to get my things in order, like property :wtf: scarring the wife and I to death.
Turns out the local skin doctor here needs his license pulled (my opinion) went to a specialist in little Rock and had some biopsy and exrays and seems like fifty tests on my urine and blood , they said positively it has not got to any of my organs, so :) I will be around for a few more years :D...

I want to thank @toolmanmike for covering for me here and trying to keep this site in check :thankyou:

I am in good hands now, so everyone better shape up or ship out :lol:

Missed everyone, @halifaxhops , I will get my mind clear now and see what I can come up with my friend.
Going to enjoy the fresh air like I have not in 3 weeks or more :thumbsup:

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Memike, Very happy to hear that you are not in dire straits, and you will be with us for a long time....Prayers from here...:thumbsup:
Well hello everyone, the plan is made and I am expecting good results :thumbsup: been seeing a few specialist in the last few week, life went upside down, had to rethink my next few months or maybe less a few weeks ago (cancer) near my hip bone, but got a good phone call today that it is not going to be life threatening, one doctor told me to get my things in order, like property :wtf: scarring the wife and I to death.
Turns out the local skin doctor here needs his license pulled (my opinion) went to a specialist in little Rock and had some biopsy and exrays and seems like fifty tests on my urine and blood , they said positively it has not got to any of my organs, so :) I will be around for a few more years :D...

I want to thank @toolmanmike for covering for me here and trying to keep this site in check :thankyou:

I am in good hands now, so everyone better shape up or ship out :lol:

Missed everyone, @halifaxhops , I will get my mind clear now and see what I can come up with my friend.
Going to enjoy the fresh air like I have not in 3 weeks or more :thumbsup:

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Good news! Now get back to work!!
Just took a creepin' crud test. Will find out in 15 min.
That's funny right there. My Dad (R.I.P.) used to say that when he felt an illness coming on. He'd say " I think I'm gettin a case of the Creepin Crud " Probably got that lingo from 25 years in the Service.....:lol:
For dinner tonight, leftover lasagna and garlic bread and some garlic stuffed olives. Lasagna is always better left over. Probably have three or four more eats on it. That happens when you live alone.:lol:
That's funny right there. My Dad (R.I.P.) used to say that when he felt an illness coming on. He'd say " I think I'm gettin a case of the Creepin Crud " Probably got that lingo from 25 years in the Service.....:lol:
Yep. Tested positive.
For dinner tonight, leftover lasagna and garlic bread and some garlic stuffed olives. Lasagna is always better left over. Probably have three or four more eats on it. That happens when you live alone.:lol:
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I totally agree, I have about 4 servings frozen in the freezer from a big tray Treva and I made, looking forward to enjoying it again soon.

Yep. Tested positive.
Covid ?
Yep. Tested positive.
I spent countless hours flying and in airports since late 2019. Then the entire year of 2020 in the US, trying to get back to VN. Never contacted Covid ( Or if I did, I didn't know it ). This last time back to VN, she felt sick in April and tested positive, insisted I test as well. Yup I got it while in VN. But never a symptom. Tested 3 days later and was negative....Go Figure.......:realcrazy:
Well hello everyone, the plan is made and I am expecting good results :thumbsup: been seeing a few specialist in the last few week, life went upside down, had to rethink my next few months or maybe less a few weeks ago (cancer) near my hip bone, but got a good phone call today that it is not going to be life threatening, one doctor told me to get my things in order, like property :wtf: scarring the wife and I to death.
Turns out the local skin doctor here needs his license pulled (my opinion) went to a specialist in little Rock and had some biopsy and exrays and seems like fifty tests on my urine and blood , they said positively it has not got to any of my organs, so :) I will be around for a few more years :D...

I want to thank @toolmanmike for covering for me here and trying to keep this site in check :thankyou:

I am in good hands now, so everyone better shape up or ship out :lol:

Missed everyone, @halifaxhops , I will get my mind clear now and see what I can come up with my friend.
Going to enjoy the fresh air like I have not in 3 weeks or more :thumbsup:

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Glad to hear it's not as serious as they originally said...

We've all had our share of health issues lately, you hang in there Mike....
Yep. Tested positive.

Does that mean you have Covid???

I hope not, but if you do, take care and get to the doctor for proper treatment like I did...

If I didn't get to the ER when I did, I would have been much worse.... (I was already pretty bad....)