Stop in for a cup of coffee

49 to start,clear and calm. have to prep the 454 for shipping to the builder. And do a little work on the Fargo to prep for a car show in the city on sunday.
It's Flamin' Friday!


Good morning :D
Wiring is looking good. Couple more things to get to under the dash...and get the new gauge lighting connected.

Cables are maybe a week out so I want to get the old transmission out to clean up the underbody and such
Screwed up my back last Monday. Kinda can't move right now. Chiropractor next Monday so sucking it up until then.

I have much respect for Chiropractors, I learned a bunch from them and use those things still to this day :thumbsup: lower back gets out of wak and or strained, I have an old wooden broom stick I lay on the floor in front of a chair, put my feet on it and roll it back and forth to strengthen and straighten out my lower back, it works wonders.
Hope those muscles settle down soon, neck pain can be bad.
Morning Mike

I'm a young 56 high mileage vehicle
Get as much as you can done now, I have 8 years on you, same hear on the milage, the last 8 years was filled with gloom it seems, lost all three of my brothers within 7 years, took care of them on there path home.
I am slowly moving forward on my 66 these days but getting there :thumbsup:
Morning Karl.

How's the recovery going

Not good... Been having trouble breathing the last four days... It kept me up most of the night...

I can't even walk halfway through my house without stopping for a rest to catch my breath... I'm thinking of going back to the hospital...

Thanks for asking...
Get as much as you can done now, I have 8 years on you, same hear on the milage, the last 8 years was filled with gloom it seems, lost all three of my brothers within 7 years, took care of them on there path home.
I am slowly moving forward on my 66 these days but getting there :thumbsup:

Yessir. That's the plan. Just have to keep the parts moving....

Slow and steady... that's why I need full day or multiple days to do things. I don't like feeling rushed. This whole back thing is seriously inconvenient
Not good... Been having trouble breathing the last four days... It kept me up most of the night...

I can't even walk halfway through my house without stopping for a rest to catch my breath... I'm thinking of going back to the hospital...

Thanks for asking...

That sucks. Hope you find some relief along the way...and that it's not back up pneumonia
Not good... Been having trouble breathing the last four days... It kept me up most of the night...

I can't even walk halfway through my house without stopping for a rest to catch my breath... I'm thinking of going back to the hospital...

Thanks for asking...
Do you have an oxygen monitor you put on your finger ? If its lower then 87 they will not let you out of the hospital, wife and I have one and you should to my friend.
Don't take any chances and get checked out at least my friend
So finally going through that hoard of cores I bought at Carlisle. Just touching the top found a few gems that I had guys looking for for years. yes they do turn up.
That sucks. Hope you find some relief along the way...and that it's not back up pneumonia

It seem like a day or two after the meds ran out, I started taking steps backward in my recovery...

(they may have pumped me full of steroids to get me home...) Then when they 'wore off' I have been getting worse...
So finally going through that hoard of cores I bought at Carlisle. Just touching the top found a few gems that I had guys looking for for years. yes they do turn up.
Congratulations Ray :thumbsup:
I broke my pencil it seems on wanting to set down and draw of late
It seem like a day or two after the meds ran out, I started taking steps backward in my recovery...

(they may have pumped me full of steroids to get me home...) Then when they 'wore off' I have been getting worse...

Yeah... I know it gives relief but they go to the meds so fast it often masks the cause and doesn't get to the fix.

They need to stop just turning the stereo up louder and fix the issue