Stop in for a cup of coffee

That is a mighty fine looking rear end you have there mr. MIKE.

all that jelly and no toast hmmm mmm
Plenty of toast here on the hill hun

Creed and A Free Strong End $$ 002.jpg
i actually don't even know what "all that toast and no jelly" means!!!

I was at a mall with a friend and some guy said that as we passed by. I have no idea if it was for me or my friend.

I think it was for my friend because she is a big girl, and it was an African-American man who said it. You know how those guys like their fat girls and fried chicken so I think it was directed at my friend but it still sounded funny.
Rani you need to get to Carlisle some day also it is awesome! They even do thrill rides in cars. This year they had a CHALLENGER, TWO VIPERS AND 2 HELLCAT. The wife went in the Hellcat and absolutely loved it. They are free also!
That shop is another friend of mine and my sons (that is my son about to take the truck oil pan off and put the A body pan on, my friend loves it, his wife is a metal welding artist and he builds and races stock car
That's why my wife and I have separate bedrooms. No one ever has to give up their own bed. It works out well since everyone gets a good night sleep.

Every night before I go to bed, I stop by her room and throw my hat on her bed before going to my room. Sometimes she throws it back and sometimes she brings it back...:D

I can't believe you use that line....Brother
Rani you need to get to Carlisle some day also it is awesome! They even do thrill rides in cars. This year they had a CHALLENGER, TWO VIPERS AND 2 HELLCAT. The wife went in the Hellcat and absolutely loved it. They are free also!
I have a friend who tried his best to convince me to go, but its really far and my parents may not like me venturing out so far. Besides, I need to be here to feed Cooper and make sure things don't fall apart.
Hello and good morning all!
hi hello great to see and your presence reminds me that I forgot to respond to your message.

nothing personal, I can get kinda spacey if I don't write things on my mirror. I get distracted ea........oh look at the kitty walking by!!!
Good morning Tike, I am watching Jack Link's Major league fishing this morning, best fishing show going IMO :D need to gather up those rust free parts and bring them to Carlisle. I did buy a pair of Arizona rust free fenders for my truck.