Stop in for a cup of coffee

Guys, I seriously hit a brick wall with my daughter... Her mom and I do not know what to do with her anymore. There is so much, legal trouble, defiant in school and at home. I dont want to say to much on here, but my gosh. Its heart breaking, please send some prayers my way
Guys, I seriously hit a brick wall with my daughter... Her mom and I do not know what to do with her anymore. There is so much, legal trouble, defiant in school and at home. I dont want to say to much on here, but my gosh. Its heart breaking, please send some prayers my way
prayers. Have you thought much about maybe scaring her straight? check with your local sheriff's department that runs the local jail, mine locally does a program where once a month, they'll take troubled kids and put them in a controlled environment to simulate life in jail for a weekend, has a very good record.
prayers. Have you thought much about maybe scaring her straight? check with your local sheriff's department that runs the local jail, mine locally does a program where once a month, they'll take troubled kids and put them in a controlled environment to simulate life in jail for a weekend, has a very good record.
Sadly, she might be looking at that in real life... Its a long story that we just found out about in the past 2 weeks :(
Sadly, she might be looking at that in real life... Its a long story that we just found out about in the past 2 weeks :(
Sorry to hear this. There is no manual for being a good parent. You just give advice hope it sticks and stand by them when they fall. Sounds like you have some hard decisions to make.
Sadly, she might be looking at that in real life... Its a long story that we just found out about in the past 2 weeks :(
ah. that sucks man. Best wishes. One word of advice, IF this involves a judge, DO not agree to send her to the Federal Job Corp program, I used to work for one, trust me, its a failure. But the last administration pushed the justice department to send low level juvies and other at risk youth too it.
My kids still Hate me. But they are all productive Adults... Musta been the Drill Sgt in me ..:lol:
hey hey some good news for a change, my wife getting a pretty large raise!
Guys, I seriously hit a brick wall with my daughter... Her mom and I do not know what to do with her anymore. There is so much, legal trouble, defiant in school and at home. I dont want to say to much on here, but my gosh. Its heart breaking, please send some prayers my way
Will be praying for you all!
Eye trick!

Stare at the 3 colored dots on the models nose for a little while and then quickly look away to a blank wall and you will briefly see the woman in full color on the wall...
