Stop in for a cup of coffee

10 inches is a big piece
I................................ never mind
It won't get caught by the crank, it can't. Think about it, it's either moving in the mass of oil as it sloshes around or sitting in the bottom of the pan. Once it settles to the bottom there isn't any force to lift it back up again into the oil and then past it into the crank. There is no possible way for the crank to get ahold of it. It's not like the crank acts as a pump, it just pushes the oil out of it's way.

Well you dont have my luck now do you.... I can totally see that happening to me if I left it in the pan..
What are you going to do for the rest of the night without arms? I hope you don't need to scratch or wipe anything...

Well.... ****.... I never thought about that... This typing with my toes sucks!

sorry to hear about this bud - how old is she again?

You guys will be bored with this but I have been fretting the big job of cleaning my loose socket and wrench inventory up for return. The oil they wash them in after chrome plating reacts with the foam organizers in my socket drawers and wrench organizers. It turns to black goo and impossible to get off. I tried brake clean, solvent, thinner, wd 40 and the like and nothing even softened the goo. A customer today grabbed a nasty socket and gave it a ultrasonic bath for 10 min. in a 10% Simple Green solution and the thing looked better than new. Now I am off to the net to order ultrasonic cleaner. I might as well get one big enough for carbs. I might have time after I retire to do some of those. LOL
I would be excited for a new toy like that as well... hey wait doesnt Mac sell those??? LOL Good thinking on getting one big enough for a carb..If your going to spend the money on it might as well make use of it..
My thoughts exactly
10 inches is a big piece
Being larger makes it even less risky. It's heavy and less likely to be moved much by fluid dynamics. It's not a piece of paper flying around on the breeze, it's steel sitting in heavy viscosity oil than isn't be pumped by the crank.

Even if the crank were to ever hit it, it would just push it out of the way...
Crazy day but found the parts @rainyday neds only way you will get them is as a door prize on lift day! Yup I am that guy or 250 cash shipped!
LOL. :thumbsup: - - well, kids don't really understand divorce... take a guess how I know. It's very possible that she needs to talk to someone who is not emotionally involved with the situation...
This is true and we have been down that road... We divorced 9 years ago.. She has been thru counseling as well. Thank you for the suggestion though.
You guys will be bored with this but I have been fretting the big job of cleaning my loose socket and wrench inventory up for return. The oil they wash them in after chrome plating reacts with the foam organizers in my socket drawers and wrench organizers. It turns to black goo and impossible to get off. I tried brake clean, solvent, thinner, wd 40 and the like and nothing even softened the goo. A customer today grabbed a nasty socket and gave it a ultrasonic bath for 10 min. in a 10% Simple Green solution and the thing looked better than new. Now I am off to the net to order ultrasonic cleaner. I might as well get one big enough for carbs. I might have time after I retire to do some of those. LOL
Would they be good to clean a carb?