Stop in for a cup of coffee

Saw this. Thought it was kinda cool..
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The funny part about that is I know the guy who created that prayer image and I also use Aces IV and QB oil in my SRT. I'm friends with the guy who owns the company that makes those products and did a logo design for him too...

BND engine logo DD.jpg
I neef to serve drinks at night. You guys have had too much coffee.
Nah, it's just lubrication for this thread. You wouldn't enjoy us as much if all we drank was coffee.

Kinda like you and the Dew...
I also drink a lot of Brake fluid ......everyone tells me its not good for my health but I know its ok because I can stop anytime I want.
I also drink a lot of Brake fluid ......everyone tells me its not good for my health but I know its ok because I can stop anytime I want.
LOL! Just don't start doing the WD-40 shots up your nose. It's twice as hard to quit than PB Blaster...
And yeah, I get the underlying message jab...but I'd rather live half as long having twice the fun than to die old wishing I had lived more.
And yeah, I get the underlying message jab...but I'd rather live half as long having twice the fun than to die old wishing I had lived more.
Same motto i had, but completely different percentages! I was supposed to dead 13 years ago. I think i made a good call!
An Irish guy walks into a bar in Boston. He walks up to the bartender and says...

"Do you happen to know if there is anyone here from Ireland?"

The bartender points him to another guy sitting at a table.

"Oh wonderful", says the guy "Bring a couple of shots of Irish whiskey while I join him".

The guy sits down at the table and says "Hi, I Shamus O'Malley...who might you be?"

The other guy answers "Well, I'm Ian O'Malley, what a coincidence that we have the same last name!"

They drink the shots and order 2 more.

Shamus says "I wonder where you might be from Ian?"

Ian answers "Well, I'm from Dublin" Shamus cries "What a coincidence, I'm from Dublin too! Lets have another drink to toast Dublin!"

They drink the shots and order 2 more.

Ian says, "So Shamus, what is your mother's maiden name?"

Shamus answers "Well it happens to be McNearny"

Ian exclaims "What a coincidence, my mother's maiden name is McNearny too! Let's have another drink to toast our mothers!"

This continues for a while and some time later, a man sitting at the bar watching it all says to the bartender "Amazing that those 2 guys from Ireland happen to meet each other here in a bar in Boston, 6000 miles from home and have so much in common."

The bartender says "Nah, that's just the O'Malley brothers getting drunk again."
Are you really a doughnut baker ? or just getting ready for another job ? Good morning sir