Stop in for a cup of coffee


Austin tree.jpg
Good thinkin' It's either genetic or learned at an early age, but the women's are pretty good at stashin' cash.:lol:
done tried that, she's got it stashed some where......
what the hell??
tree limb came thru the roof of the dude's house this morning, this is in the town just south of mine where the tornado on the ground was reported about an hour ago
Hey did you all hear about the new payment system used at strip clubs? they put a card reader in between their butt checks, simply swipe the card instead of dollar bills, though they don't seem to like the new chip card and get fussy when you try to insert it..... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Well, sun's up, gonna go check out the vehicles good, nothing but a few limbs down here and there, house looks ok
My dogs know somethings up, they are in their hunkered down locations. Amazes me what they pick up on.
yeah, we had a border collie in 1999 that woke us up in the middle of the night one march, 20 minutes later a f2 went thru the nieghborhood, took out several homes but missed ours by about 100 yards
Harley is freaked out also. Had a dog in HI swear it was a early warning for the small earthquakes we got.