Stop in for a cup of coffee

You guys!!!! You have both this and the PM going crazy Just a bunch of Bull Shippers! And to think I have to spend a weekend witch you all.... I bet we all sit around with our phones chatting on the coffee thread!
You guys can tell me what I did wrong on my 66. Fun time at Tim's expense. :BangHead: Or I would have done it like.........:poke:
I bought a smoker and I am retired. I hope to get both of them working together this winter. This is so far,
beer can chicken.jpg
Boss 2.jpg
I thought bbq chips was wrong on a bologna sammich til i tried it. Not bad.
I thought bbq chips was wrong on a bologna sammich til i tried it. Not bad.

We went to a small town restaurant when we picked up the kid's car from the trans shop a few weeks ago and they had fresh home made potato chip cookies... they gave us a free sample. and we ended up buying one for each of us when we left... They were delicious...
Well I'm hitting the hay. You all have a good night
while the oven pre heats for the pizza.. I might be able to drop the passenger rear spring shackle ... gotta re-lube the poly bushing. Squeak, squeak
we went furniture shopping today - all was going well until - - - - - - skittle-skuttle - :wtf: was THAT!??? yea boy - a frikkin' mouse went running across the floor in the bedroom furniture area.... CYA BYE BYE :rofl:
we went furniture shopping today - all was going well until - - - - - - skittle-skuttle - :wtf: was THAT!??? yea boy - a frikkin' mouse went running across the floor in the bedroom furniture area.... CYA BYE BYE :rofl:
My mrs would have been on a dresser screaming. Its fun yelling “mouse”
it's all for the best - Bob's Discount Furniture has never really impressed me - and not I am 100% sure she won't go back :thumbsup: - and the little ****** saved me $2000 - - - for now
So about 6 years ago (long story)
We are sound asleep,3 or 4 am my dog goes nuts. Running around chasing something. Into our bedroom. A squirrel! A flying squirrel nonetheless. Dunno how it got there. To my wife’s relief the dog caught it. Tossed it out the door and back to sleep we went. Checked the house next morning trying to figure it out. Dunno.
So,next night3/4 am we have a repeat of the night before. This one i caught and released outside alive. For the next couple days im tearing my hair out trying to figure it out.
Again,3/4 am a squirrel,chased it into basement, and pinned it down in laundry room. Me ,my son and my dog trying to grab this thing and get it out.finally caught it and out it went.
I realized at that very moment the decommissioned chimney is covered over. Pulled cover and saw thats how they got in.hidin inside the wall.

Ok, problem solved. Not!!
Guess momma was still around, had to catch and release the adult flying squirrel. So at 4am 4th or fifth night in a row we are in pursuit of the last one,again trapped in laundry room. Trying to grab it,jumping and flying across the room. Dont know why, it just gave up, camly waited on freezer as i grabbed it and released it outside. Made sheet metal covers to block chimney and all was good. Except for the wife. And the dog. Occasionally would freeze and stare at the valance above our drapes. Wife would panic.

Wife was freaked out, son and dog were wound up, i was laughing and my daughter slept through the whole thing.
Was an interesting week. Will never forget it.