Stop in for a cup of coffee

Headed out to Wallyworld but probably stop for a drink on the way. Hey no one commented on my bro-stache I am growing. One of my coworkers is working on his, it is a secret show of rebellion against the new uniforms they are putting us in...WHITE jackets over a vest and shirt, bow-tie, hot and impossible to stay clean. Then they are so clueless they said "oh, we are relaxing the rule against taking your uniforms home, you are welcome to wash them yourselves." They are welcome to kiss my butt! As if I do laundry every day!

Anyway I doubt they'll like our moustaches very much but in the employee handbook it says we can have them as long as we grow them in during off time.

Catch y'all later.
we went furniture shopping today - all was going well until - - - - - - skittle-skuttle - :wtf: was THAT!??? yea boy - a frikkin' mouse went running across the floor in the bedroom furniture area.... CYA BYE BYE :rofl:

What are you, a man or a mouse???? Squeak up... :lol: :poke:
Headed out to Wallyworld but probably stop for a drink on the way. Hey no one commented on my bro-stache I am growing. One of my coworkers is working on his, it is a secret show of rebellion against the new uniforms they are putting us in...WHITE jackets over a vest and shirt, bow-tie, hot and impossible to stay clean. Then they are so clueless they said "oh, we are relaxing the rule against taking your uniforms home, you are welcome to wash them yourselves." They are welcome to kiss my butt! As if I do laundry every day!

Anyway I doubt they'll like our moustaches very much but in the employee handbook it says we can have them as long as we grow them in during off time.

Catch y'all later.

Make sure that it doesn't grow during work time now.... :lol:

Go for the old 70's style **** mustache... :poke: