Stop in for a cup of coffee

Just came out to the shop. I have a front end to put on an Escalade. All tie rods, center link, idler, pitman.
Tim, what day are you coming near Wash DC. I can meet you for lunch or dinner. As you know, I will not be at Daves, since I leave on the 28th @Mopar Tim
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Yup, Thats how it is here. Feast or famine. I have a small shop at my house. I usually try to do a couple a jobs a week. All easy stuff Brakes, Axels, Pm's etc. I dont really need the money, but it helps , parts for the Mopars. Sometimes Ill go two weeks without a call. This past week I had 8 calls and 8 jobs in the last two weeks. Yup, Feast or famine
Been working at home for 3 years as of last week. Walked off a good paying governmen job to be a stay at home mechanic. Money isnt the same, but im much happier. No pressure.
Been working at home for 3 years as of last week. Walked off a good paying governmen job to be a stay at home mechanic. Money isnt the same, but im much happier. No pressure.
I'm retired business owner. I was in the Auto Parts business for 27 years. Started as a delivery boy, and bought to company. Had three stores. Sold em all to Carquest in 01, when I was 44 . Built a shop at my house for my hot rods. But I do a few side jobs, mostly for my Church folk.
Wish I'd had a long-range plan, but no regrets and I count my blessings. If I can serve as an example to others of how you might not want to go about your life, that is good.
Wish I'd had a long-range plan, but no regrets and I count my blessings. If I can serve as an example to others of how you might not want to go about your life, that is good.
Ha, David, I really didn't have a plan either.. LOL It just worked out that way.. I'm just a regular knucklehead...:lol:
Taking a poll:

My employer will pay 5500 a semester towards my masters degree.... it's cost 5800 total per semester, so it'd cost me 300 a semester.....

To go back and get it or not to go back and get it
Taking a poll:

My employer will pay 5500 a semester towards my masters degree.... it's cost 5800 total per semester, so it'd cost me 300 a semester.....

To go back and get it or not to go back and get it

Get It!! If there are no other strings attached.

I will never understand women. Having more credentials could result in you bringing home more money, why wouldn't she be in favor of that??

haha I got to hit Disagree
The time involved

Hmmm she needs a trusted older lady friend to get her to come around. Unless she decides to support you without you pushing it, she will always throw the time thing up in your face.

I do understand women a little I guess:lol:
Catch y'all later, gotta go fax something to a doctor and grab some lunch. Also get my passport photo, I heard that soon they will make it much harder to get your passport renewed, mine expires next year, so I want to do it now.
Get It!! If there are no other strings attached.

I will never understand women. Having more credentials could result in you bringing home more money, why wouldn't she be in favor of that??

haha I got to hit Disagree
Yep, more edumacation will do ya good later.
I thought I had a good gig. Worked my way up from dock worker to Facilities Service Manager over 2 sites in a 27 year career. No degree. After (several) company buyouts/management changes, the tides turned and I was out. Finally got in the door at another place that looked very promising. Lot of growth expected. I was the only maint guy, but would eventually run the dept. Nope, they closed the doors last spring . Out again. Now I'm back to mechanic again. Wife has had numerous med issues over the years so never any savings to speak of. Blew up all my retirement/reserve funds in the transitions. It is what it is, and I'm moving forward again, but IF I had a piece of paper to back me up, I likely would have been back to work much quicker and at a much higher rung on the ladder.
Hmmm she needs a trusted older lady friend to get her to come around. Unless she decides to support you without you pushing it, she will always throw the time thing up in your face.

I do understand women a little I guess:lol:
For her it's the no guarantee of getting a job that pays enough to warrant it
For her it's the no guarantee of getting a job that pays enough to warrant it
but for you it's the fact that once done you will always have the paper and therefor the opportunity to use it to get a better job and make more $$ (or at least, that's how it's supposed to work)
truth is - these days there are plenty of people with higher educations who are working custodial service jobs and the like - there is no guarantee