Stop in for a cup of coffee

2 chores done trying to score points w/wife, changed out water filter in shower attachment (quick one) and then dump run down to Coupeville, all her downsizing crap craft cabinets etc, end tables blah blah, stuff was heavier than I thought. Should have got my hazmat out of the shop but will just get it gathered/sorted today
Much better fit..


This is what I pulled out

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Sanded some filler... put on more filler in a better shape... will mess with it more tomorrow.. stretching a 4 hour job into a month
My sister went to greenfield village today, had some car show.. was sending me pics of old mopars.. then on the way home she's coming up gratiot and some big summer cruise was going on.. got stuck in that for a hour or so.. she was hungry and mad... made me laugh though
So states is over and wrapped up. Wyatt finished 10th overall out of 40 with a 78. Amber placed first in Women’s Collegiate with an 87 and also placed First overall in Collegiate. Everyone is tired but going home happy.
So a few months back, we'll maybe more then a few . I found about 250lb of fine Mica flakes.
Buried In a cabinet.