Stop in for a cup of coffee

I got new hearing aids today and I can hear I need to oil my house door hinges. Also can hear my buzzer when I don't fasten my seat belt in my car and the wind noise that whistles through my truck doors driving down the road and all the rattles. And I can now hear the local grain elevator drying grain and the birds making all kinds of noise. Neighbours dog barking, wind blowing leaves on the tree, and the damn noise of people mowing their lawn.
Screw it silence is golden..
I got new hearing aids today and I can hear I need to oil my house door hinges. Also can hear my buzzer when I don't fasten my seat belt in my car and the wind noise that whistles through my truck doors driving down the road and all the rattles. And I can now hear the local grain elevator drying grain and the birds making all kinds of noise. Neighbours dog barking, wind blowing leaves on the tree, and the damn noise of people mowing their lawn.
Screw it silence is golden..
I got new hearing aids today and I can hear I need to oil my house door hinges. Also can hear my buzzer when I don't fasten my seat belt in my car and the wind noise that whistles through my truck doors driving down the road and all the rattles. And I can now hear the local grain elevator drying grain and the birds making all kinds of noise. Neighbours dog barking, wind blowing leaves on the tree, and the damn noise of people mowing their lawn.
Screw it silence is golden..
Smoke alarm is gonna be startling
Here was the trouble i got into today
met up with a few guys from another club at a park not far from here.
Lined up passenger window on the bird. 5 minutes. I fluked it.
And i need to repaint dash. The polishing compound does not come off. Not happy about that.