Stop in for a cup of coffee

I can see it now

Good morning everyone. Chores done, gotta see about this paint gun and some paint. Wish me luck..
Sunny and warm again today. I messaged the painter asking what he used for buffing compound, to see what i can use to clean up his mess. As i suspected, no reply.
So i will move forward and deal with it.
We have a Freddies in town. The burgers are weird. Micro thin. The frozen custard is good. Not as good as Culvers I would say. Frozen custard is better than ice cream or soft serve any day.
I should have added the burgers are thin to my reply, they are steak and shake style thin. Which I prefer! PS I also like thin crust pizza! Hah!
I have been making taco meat all morning cleaning out deer burger from the freezer getting ready for this year. I pre make the taco meat and freeze it in serving size zip locks. Saves me all kind of prep time if we want tacos or burritos!
Tuna taco's?
Finish my coffee and get started. I am a runner for Andy's bike race this weekend. Easy ups, generator, tables, chairs, donated beer and caution tape delivered to the track. May be pick up the trailer. All before noon. I better get busy.
Just got back from banker and such. Banker was born and raised up North in Connecticut. Soon as she found out we owned and operated a firearms training center she proudly stated she had never held a gun in her life blah blah, I did not take the bait I simply shrugged and said I believe that. Then she got on her soap box. Again I did not take the bait simply pointed to the folders and asked if we could just stick to talking finance. Determined to get last word in she explained “ well any normal person” I finally stopped her and asked if she had just called me not normal? I looked at Jodi and told her I would be in the parking lot, and walked out. Sometimes it is simply easier to disengage.
I think I would start looking for a new Bank, and make sure the bank president knows why.