Well-Known Member
If I am correct sundown is one minuet later for every twelve miles. So being about twelve miles west of a time zone boundary, I am only one minuet behind them . CHEERS.
If I am correct sundown is one minuet later for every twelve miles. So being about twelve miles west of a time zone boundary, I am only one minuet behind them . CHEERS.
OK time for a drink. We left the house bound for the in laws for a wonderful Christmas. It started snowing here around noon and we left at 2 pm for a 3 hour drive. Well a 20 minuite drive took an hour with cars littered and upside down in the median. Trafic was moving at a blazing speed of 35 mph. I decided to turn around and go home. We will have Christmas at home this year. Tomorrow it will be warmer, no snow, and the roads should be plowed. It's time for a toddy!
It's not quite 5:00 here but in the spirit of the holidays, I'll join you for a relaxing beverage.
I'm treeee ahead of you.
Margaritas and Coronas going down here,
Christmas eve tradition.
Well this is a first for weather here in Southern Ontario, 13 degrees Celsius or whatever in real degrees, maybe have to cut the lawn tomorrow.
Merry Christmas all.
Margaritas and Coronas going down here,
Christmas eve tradition.
Well this is a first for weather here in Southern Ontario, 13 degrees Celsius or whatever in real degrees, maybe have to cut the lawn tomorrow.
Merry Christmas all.
I'm done, wife took the tv remote.
sums me up tonight ....except I don't have a dog or a pig but I have the cat and I can get a chicken real quick.