Summit Super Series Rookie. Any tips??



Well-Known Member
May 15, 2013
Reaction score
Corsicana, Tx
Going to enter the SSS at my local IHRA 1/8 mile track this year.
I would appreciate any advice from you veteran points guys.
I think Super Rod is the class for me. The car runs a consistent 6.45 in the 1/8th +\- .02 seconds. I would think that being at the slower end of the class (6.00-6.49) would be better than slowing it down to 6.50 and having to race everyone that is 6.50 and slower, which at my track is most cars, plus I get to leave first and let the other guy red light or breakout playing catch up.
Whaddya think?
In your situation I'd prefer to chase. Your competitor has to leave first giving them a chance to red light first handing you an instant win. Also, when chasing the entire race is in front of you which makes it much easier to race the stripe, especially for a novice racer. If I were in your shoes I'd slow it down and run the other class. Let the other guy look over his shoulder.

If you're only having to cut a little bit to make the 6.50 mark, I'd also be looking at how the car will run leaving right at or just above idle. That will help keep you from building too much heat in the trans by stalling the converter for too long. You know, like when you're racing a car that's a couple seconds slower than you.
I always prefer to be the faster car also. They can red light before you leave and you can also see everything going on in front of you instead of looking back.