Supspention questions


1966 dart wagon

Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2005
Reaction score
Sioux Falls, SD
Does anyone have any sugestions on where i should look to get a whole bushing set for my front end on my 69 cuda, it has 9in drums all around and im looking(currently in wanted) for a 73+ disc brake setup those balljoints are the 'big' ones right are those better? Should i order the kit before or after i have the disc swap setup. I want my car to corner and auto x so keep that in mind also what about rear leaf springs should i go with the ss ones or what im a lil lost there hwo about shocks? i want a comfortable ride but i still want to handle, possible an adjustable shock and such?

thanks guys
The lower and upper balljoints from the 73 set-up are different than the eariler discs. Everything else will work just fine. Just get the 73-76 disc balljoints and you will be fine. Don't forget to get the upper control arms, they are different because of the bigger joint. Just Suspension, has some great kits. They have everything that has anything to do with the suspension, front or rear. You could order a kit for the suspension you have, it will work with the 73-76 disc stuff. I have heard that the newer discs are stronger too.
We got the kit for the 72 scamp from P.S.T. and I am going to order the kit for the volare clip thats under my 53 from them as well. I have has great results from their tech phone number on peicing kits togeather that aren't listed on their web page or in their catalog.