Surgery for me, Yipeeh!



Well-Known Member
May 20, 2007
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Hello All,
I'm getting my gall bladder removed tomorrow, it's not working correctly, :wack: so there taking it out.
I've heard the first day or two can be a little rough. I hope it all goes well for me.

Wish me luck, thanks guys!
Wife had it done a while back, piece of cake. Think it took 20 minutes or so...Good Luck....
No problems at all for me when they took it !! 3 or 4 little slices and arthroscopically removed !!! Nothing to sweat !!:prayer:
It's practically a drive-thru procedure; piece of cake! Your belly button will be sore for a week or so. Once you're all healed up you will feel so much better...your gall bladder was probably affecting you a long time before you actually realized it.
Good luck sure you will feel much better after healing up
We'll be waiting to hear all's well alley... :prayer: :cheers:
Gods speed my good friend let us know how it went, Because I'm next in line....

Good Luck you will feel better after a dew says
Get well soon... and milk the sympathy for as long as you can.
Dad had it done and was in the Hospital for a week.. Something happen and they had to go back and roto root he dingal... I don't know why..

Brother had it 3 months ago and spent 3 day's in the hospital..

Hope yours go well and quick...
My mom had that done a couple of years ago. has two scars the size of a BB.

...and ever since, she craves jalepenos, after NOT liking any spicy or hot foods for the previos 70 years ???
It is a breeze with todays technology in medicine. I had mine out last year and it was an overnight stay. Had no pain at all after the surgery. My wife had hers out 34 years ago and spent 2 weeks in the hospital and was cut diagonally and had bunch of stitches and a "T" tube and a drainage tube put in was in alot of pain. Still I'll say a PRAYER THAT EVERYTHING GOES OK.
I had mine removed right after Christmas, same day surgery in and out in three hours.
Three small incisions, no heavy lifting for a mouth, I was up to full speed in days. I feel the best I have ever felt in years a lot of problems and pain was from the gall bladder.

Let us know how you make out.

My surgery went good! I'm back home already, of course I'm all drugged up and feeling fine! :toothy10:
I should be back up to speed in no time!

Thanks for all the Prayers and kind words!
My surgery went good! I'm back home already, of course I'm all drugged up and feeling fine! :toothy10:
I should be back up to speed in no time!

Thanks for all the Prayers and kind words!

I'm glad surgery went well.