Swen and ole strike again !



one of one 1953 ME!
Legendary Member
Mar 18, 2007
Reaction score
Marysville, Washington
Swen calls Ole up one day and askes him come over and help him blow up a stump in his back yard out by the out house. They dig under it and decide that it will take a case of dynomite to do the job. After placing the explosives they put a fuse good for about 45 seconds on it, Ole lites the fuse and the both of them run back behind the garage to watch the fire works. With about 30 seconds left Swen hears the back door slam and sees Helga heading for the out house. Swen hollers but Helga dosn't hear him and go's in the out house to do her business. Befor Swen can get there, there is a massive explosion!! When he gets there all that is left of the out house is the seat with Helga sitting on it, Swen runs up and says "Helga, Helga are you all right"
"Yaw Swen" Helga replys " I yust Happy I didn't let dat vone in da kitchen!