The difference between men and women according to me!

Just finished a 28x32 addition on the house.. this is no kidding.. I put tools away cleaned up... Ready to move things in.. we're standing there looking at 3/4 my accomplishments and 1/4 hers- "she painted" and she looks at me and said looks good, when are we redoing our master bathroom?- I looked at her and politely turned around and went to the garage, looked at the dart and had many beers.. LOL

FYI I hiring the bathroom out
All my joking aside, my wife is wonderful. As a matter of fact, she enthusiastically helped me to complete my classic car collection. We sat down and I told her what I wanted to get. It was then that she got very enthusiastic and informed me that we are getting no more cars. So... My collection is complete!!!! At one.

X2 my wife gave me alot of crap for the last few years about our old truck, (its 40 years old) so last weekend I bought a new one, but kept the old one.
She told me, "Why are you so stubborn, to not want to buy a new vehicle, but you will buy 2 junkers setting in the yard this year"

She keeps threatening me with divorce if I buy many more old cars.
I have bought 2 e-bodys that need work this year, that I might be able to make a decent one out of the pair.
And I still have the old truck.
We've been married 45 years and my secret to longevity is to learn to say "Yes Dear". It's worked so far and we're happily married. She's happy and I'm married!
I feel EXTREMELY fortunate that our little valiant convertible is OUR car and not MY car. My wife is my treasure and she just lights up whenever we're out for a drive. We're going to enjoy time together cruising at the Woodward Ave Dream Cruise this weekend. PS- She's a good sport about the jokes too!
Does this sound familiar?
Wife gets mad/(jealous) when im always in garage working on project car.
Agree to watch a movie together, half hour into movie, she falls asleep.
No biggy, put my garage clothes on and out I go. For some progress on 65 Dart/ Vert.
and couple a beers for energy.
Next day still get hounded cause I didnt like the movie and I dont like watching people sleep............LOL