The Early A-Body Forum has a new site!

the new look is alot better... its a shame because that site could be so useful if it wasn't so damn hard to navigate... i love early a-bodies and would love to learn some more info from that site and share some of my knowlege of early a-bodies with the guys there but man the site is such a pain it pisses me off and i leave.... it needs to be alot more user friendly...
I've made some more improvements to the Early A-Body Forum I think you'll all like...come on over and give it a try!

ps: I'm not trying to steal people away from here, just offering another resource.
Just so abodyjoe knows, the site is MUCH easier to navigate now. I've spent a lot of time improving it. Check it out!
another A body site???? dontthink i heard of it,, whats wrong wioth this one?? arent there early A body guys here??? or am i on the wrong site??
im stil learning my way around on this one,,,now theres another one????

A-BODY-JOE,,, whats the date on the carbbq this year????? i have to get some oen to work for me to be there,,,,its always on my day to work,,,,,,
The other site has been going since 2001! It's not new by any means, just new to you! :)
65s said:
Just so abodyjoe knows, the site is MUCH easier to navigate now. I've spent a lot of time improving it. Check it out!

got it... thanks man.. it is allot easier now.. i've been there a bit... couldn't figure out how to keep myself signed in for a while there... then i forgot what password i used.. so i think i am signed up s ABJ and i like it though.. gotta love those earl a's...
i have seen that site before,,the old forum i believe,,, i always thought there was a charge to use that site,, and it appeared that it wasnt up dated for a few years,,unless thats a different site,,they had a push button for the logo,,
i loved that part,, i have just registered on that site,,looks like it works fine,,

nice job neil,,,
just looked at the for sale on early A SITE,, I POSTED AN ADD,, it didnt appear,, do you have to have a certian amount of posts?? to sell?????
You have to register before you can post (like most sites) but I'm thinking about changing the For Sale/Wanted areas so anyone can post. That opens the door for all kinds of spam (which has happened before) but is something I'm willing to entertain.

What do you think of that idea?
spam will kill it, it sux but you should have to sign up.. and yes i like the new site better!

keep up the good work... will you be at carlisle this year?
Yes, I hope to be at Carlisle. I've just been looking at the latest software version and it implements "Captcha" for anonymous posting which is a good way to prevent spam.

What is Captcha? This kinda stuff:

i did sign up, i replied to a few posts,,, il try to relist my 4 sale and see what happens,, thanks