The "Meat Grinder"



Enhanced member
Feb 24, 2010
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Working on the Shart (our '70 Dart project) yesterday and I got a little careless with the cutoff wheel. Took 10 stitches and may need surgery to repair some tendons. Remember kids, always wear your gloves and eye protection while using a grinder!



I hate when that happens!
Get well!
Oh, the memories!
When I was about 10 years old my family was visiting some friends who had one of those old sit-down stone grinding wheel similar to this pic out in their workshop...


I was seeing how fast I could get it to spin when my mom called to me from the house. I turned to see what she wanted and when I did my left hand got bit by the wheel halfway from the base of my thumb to my wrist. It just ground a groove about an inch long that started bleeding all over the place. I ran into the house and my mom grabbed a bottle of alcohol and poured it over the open wound to clean it out.
I remember wishing someone would just cut off my hand since I didn't think it could have hurt any worse than that.
Never did go to the doctor. Just held it closed with adhesive tape until it healed. Luckily no structural damage was done.
Still got a nice little scar on my left hand.

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Ouch! Gives me the willys just looking at that. Also, don't be a stupid kid and spin a bearing dry on your fingers. Don't ask how I know. Bout lost my finger over that one. When it gets cold and damp it still reminds me.
Reminds me of the time.
I was wiping antifreeze from the top of the radiator. > engine running
looked away for a sec.
The fan blade engulfed the rag and my right hand
still give me problems (35 years ago), But,
good thing I'm left handed..
grinder? looks more like a meat slicer to me....I dont see any hand-burger:lol:
Wow. Strong words there. I think I handled it quite well actually. I was too distracted by the smokin hot P.A. stitching me up to notice the pain though.

No man, just giving you a hard time. All in fun. Hope it heals up without a problem. Go back and see that PA
Mo-Scars...they demand more respect than others...Heal it.