This is getting ridiculous!

Wow! Maybe I'd better insure the 2 I've got separately. Someone made an offer, do you suppose he was disappointed?
A self indulgent weenie with too much bloody money!
Ya'd think for $2500, he would throw in the shipping. I was going to buy it but the shipping would break my budget for an air cleaner.
My biggist problem would be if some one bids on it,or buys it.This would mean that illegal drugs are being sold or given away for fre now on street corners and performance shops,and the local car quest,mrmopartech
psh man il take 2 lol sombody should make an offer of like 100$ and see what he does or email him and ask if you can have some of the "good stuff" that he is smokin LOL
why is it in a box like he just ordered it from a store? looks like a reproduction to me. what he did was buy it for 100 bucks off a mopar store took it out of the box snaped a pic and now you have a restored air cleaner WOW people need to get real
I think we should all make offers on it, you know, like $10.00 or something and flood his ebay account with them...
you are going to have to up your offer, i went $20.00:cheers:
You guys are lucky I can't make another offer until he rejects my first one. I was ganna offer $20.01.