This sucks in the south

I guess it's enough to have to clean the grill off....time to get bbqin'
Don't think a foot or more of snow is considered a dusting anywhere but talking about temps in 60's this weekend so grill hopefully will get activated for the super bowl. LOL.

Well I HAD been saying "better you than me" but we finally got snow "up here" in the last couple of days. About 5" I guess. We are "way behind" for precip this winter.
I'm with ya Chryslerfat, we are getting pounded over here by the lake! A break would be nice! Crazy winter for sure!
Lori is getting pounded(by snow) back home. Im in Sask and there is hardly any snow left....temps have been up n down like a *****'s pants on payday....Mother Nature....
Please melt soon . LOL.

Its rough on the coast, but go to the highest mountains of Virginia, where my parents live, and the forcast calls for snow everyday. Its not unusual for the ground to stay white there, November to late March.
Trade you and the jeep was after I cleared if off once and went to store in morning.


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My yard looks like yours Snake the only difference is that we have been getting below 0 for highs during the week. It has been hard to do any thing with temps so low.
Thanks Snake but you and other should have snow in your area folks can keep it. This was a good one for southeast, VA. Even down here we get hit hard about every 4yrs. like clockwork. This one was so rare due to the cold. Set a new record in Suffolk of 5 below yesterday morning. Has never been below zero before. Plumbers are making a killing with all the busted pipes. LOL.



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Must be all that Global Warming I've been hearing about so much.


Maybe it just could be the natural fluctuation of the earths weather.

There was an Ice Age at one time. What happened to cause the "global whining" back then??? I don't think that it was from cow farts and A/C refrigerant....

I'm doing my part. I'm eating steaks, to reduce the number of cows releasing methane into the atmosphere that expand the hole in the ozone....
Lori is getting pounded(by snow) back home. Im in Sask and there is hardly any snow left....temps have been up n down like a *****'s pants on payday....Mother Nature....


Getting pounded here too, and not in a good way.
I had some fun in that stuff.

I was yanking neighbors out of ditches and up streets with my ATV for hours....had a friggin blast!
Atlanta does not know nor do they give a crap about dealing with snow storms...they always blame everyone else and promise they will be more prepared next time....yeah riiiiiiight.
You haven't migrated south enough Oldschoolcuda, of course, if I go much further south, I will have to polish up on my spanish.

In the 80's it snowed in San Antonio, Matamoras/Brownsville <-{Mexican border town} and here on GA/FL border. The TV news play Simon & Garfunkel's 'Slip sliding away' as people went out in San Antonio, and drove like normal. They ended up going sideways in suburbans' doing 70 and killing/injuring each other on the road.

I am not sure why people jab at global warming because of the cold in the winter time-I thought I read that the weather is supposed to be more extreme with global warming. If I understand correctly, there is allot less ice/snow in the poles and places like Alaska.
Many have disproved that the global warming is man-made after the political agenda movement. I believe our weather patterns are going to change gradually, slowly, not tremendously, momentarily.
Frank, I still think it happens. Centuries ago they once grew grapes in England-big weather shift.

The Great Global Warming Swindle is a polemical[1] documentary film that suggests that the scientific opinion on climate change is influenced by funding and political factors, and questions whether scientific consensus on anthropogenic global warming exists. :


The battle caused by Climate Wars
Our BBC documentary was right to cover the whole debate, even if the scientific consensus is that global warming is a reality:

I realize I am typing on the edge of the political forum containment-I did not claim any political side-hope that's acceptable.
One of the driest januarys on record a round here. Sum of the local ski hills are even closed because of the lack of snow. Nice for driving the hot rod around, maybe not so nice this summer when the water restrictions start happening.
You haven't migrated south enough Oldschoolcuda, of course, if I go much further south, I will have to polish up on my spanish.

In the 80's it snowed in San Antonio, Matamoras/Brownsville <-{Mexican border town} and here on GA/FL border. The TV news play Simon & Garfunkel's 'Slip sliding away' as people went out in San Antonio, and drove like normal. They ended up going sideways in suburbans' doing 70 and killing/injuring each other on the road.

I am not sure why people jab at global warming because of the cold in the winter time-I thought I read that the weather is supposed to be more extreme with global warming. If I understand correctly, there is allot less ice/snow in the poles and places like Alaska.
Many have disproved that the global warming is man-made after the political agenda movement. I believe our weather patterns are going to change gradually, slowly, not tremendously, momentarily.
Frank, I still think it happens. Centuries ago they once grew grapes in England-big weather shift.

The Great Global Warming Swindle is a polemical[1] documentary film that suggests that the scientific opinion on climate change is influenced by funding and political factors, and questions whether scientific consensus on anthropogenic global warming exists. :


The battle caused by Climate Wars
Our BBC documentary was right to cover the whole debate, even if the scientific consensus is that global warming is a reality:

I realize I am typing on the edge of the political forum containment-I did not claim any political side-hope that's acceptable.

Everything is a sign of global warming. To much rain, not enough rain, weather is to hot, to cold, snow in the south, not enough snow in the north. There is nothing that can happen with our weather that someone doesn't claim is a symptom, or a sign of global warming. Everythig is a sign of global warming. How can that possibly be? WTF :dontknow:

Climate change is cyclical, and natural. No SUV's, no coal furnaces, no farting cows, and no human beings are affecting the global weather. patterns.PERIOD.
The argument is pure BS.

Cute video, though. BBC, there there's the voice of reason, for you. ;)