Thriller night



Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2007
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Years ago
when Michael Jacksons' "Thriller" video was released,
I got an idea...
Gather with friends and relatives to practice
and learn that Zombie Dance routine from the video.
We had a lot of fun doing so.
Just as fall begins and Haloween approaches
another idea...
We'll arrive unanounced,
at someones Haloween party,
and perform our dance act.
Once the lighting, sound, and
everything is prepared,
yet another idea...
Lets do a dress rehersal.
Like a troop we marched
up our neighborhood streets
to the corner church
where Wednesday evening services
had just concluded.
That congrigation went wild!!
We were stoned, stabbed, shot at,
hit over the head
with gardening tools
it was horrible!!
Myself and four others died that night.
Were we VERY CONVINCING zombies ?

No. Just VERY BAD dancers. :)