Timing tape



Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2005
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Lowell, Or
Okay, be kind on this one. I bought a Mopar Performance timing tape and I want to make sure I put it on right. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Do you line up the TDC mark on the damper and then follow it around? Was I mistaken this was what I needed to show total timing? Thanks
You got it, line up the 0 mark on the tape with the damper timing mark. For what its worth, I contact cemented mine on and it stayed on for about 2 months. Good luck!
Follow it around clockwise if i remember right. ATleast clear coat it after you install it. I lost my timing tape after it was cleared, a good 5000miles after install. This time i will be painting the balancer, sticking it on while wet, then clear coating it. that suckers not goin anywhere! lol
I ran timing tape for over 5000 miles with no problems. Make sure you put it over a clean, oil-free damper (freshly painted is best). I didn't have to clear-coat mine at all. I used the Mr. Gasket tape.
Thanks everyone. I thought I'd wipe it down with contact cleaner or alcohol. Woke up this morning with snow on the ground which is unusal for where I'm at in Oregon so I'll try it tomorrow.
99% of the time it will work the way you asked. But if you really want it to be accurate you should find top dead center of #1 on your motor and then apply the timing tape. This way it will be exactly dead on.

Of the dozens and dozens of dampers I have checked ..I have found ONE that's ONE that was correct. Where zero is really zero. And that includes my Fluidamper, it was off 2 degree's. And if it IS off, well that renders it usless. Find absolute TDC, remember the piston is 'motionless' for about 4 crank degree's. So just getting the piston to TDC dosen't necessarly mean absolute TDC. Find true TDC and check damper with timing mark and re-mark if needed. Then align the zero mark of the timing tape with the 'new' and true TDC mark. Nice to know that 35 degrees is really 35 and not 33 or even 37...Good luck, Terry.
TDC is TDC, the DC means Dead Center, not 2 or 3 degrees before or after, that would be T or top. You will need a degree wheel and a piston stop to find TDC.

I believe I mentioned that the piston is 'motionless for 4 degrees. The crank isn't. Some think that anywhere in there is TDC, it isn't. I brought this up because of the accuracy or lack of with the dampers. Most if not all ARE off. Nothing wrong with getting it right. If the damper is off 2 degrees , we would call that 'TDC' but it isn't...If I can encourage builderes to check them....far better to do it than not. JMO.