Torsion bar and boot question



Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2008
Reaction score
West "By God" Virginia
Hey All,
I've got a set of 1 in. torsion bars. They are aftermarket and marked the same on both sides (A35 USA). I'm assuming there isn't any left or right side?

Also I got a set of the poly torsion bar boots from Classic Ind. How in the world do you get these things over the end of the rod? Will hot water soften them up? Pry them on? I hate to mess up my pretty new paint but goodness they are tight!!!
Boiling hot water and an awl. Once you get one side started the awl should guide the lip on as you move it around the bar. If they have never been stressed then there is no left or right but be sure and mark them L-R and the front or rear of each if you ever remove them.
A section of a cheap plastic trans funnel cut to just fit that larger end over the hex and then heat on the boot and grease on the funnel part.
Slides right off the larger end of the funnel, over the hex and on.
...Yeah I didn't install my boots... Strangely, I don't feel bad at all. They really don't serve much of a purpose past pissing you off.
I used all the above methods, heat funnel, grease. Still split two brand new boots. I put the bars back in nekkid.
I used all the above methods, heat funnel, grease. Still split two brand new boots. I put the bars back in nekkid.
I took a old metal can with water in put it on the stove with the boots in it let the water boil.Softened them right up and they slid right on