tortion bars which ones which?



Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2007
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hey guys im restoring my 72 scamp and i sandblasted my engine compartment and my suspension and installed new bushings etc.. and painted it all and put the suspension back in but im new to this being im 19 and not smart enough to pay 100% attention and only pay 90% lol i am clueless which tortion bar goes on drivers and passengers side aswell as what is the front and what is the back of my tortion bars i would really apprectaite it if someone can help thank you
Torsion bars are not side specific, although I would have marked them before taking them out. There are numbers stamped into the ends and those numbers go towards the back.

If this info isn't correct, someone else will chime in and correct me. Welcome to the board!
The assembly line workers were supposed to install them with the L and R showing at the rear but they didn't always. Thats why its best to check and / or mark them before removal.