trany front seal question



Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2008
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Does anyone know if any of the products on the market will work for a front trany seal leaking???? Anyone have a tried and true additive???? My 07 Dodge 2500 diesel trucks front seal developed a leak--Thanks Steve
oh man... lucas atf conditioner is a long shot, but youre probably looking at a seal replacement, even if it does fix your issue it will not be a long term fix
Steve, the first thing I'd do is verify what is actually leaking. Just because ATF is coming from the front seal area doesn't mean it's the front pump seal that's leaking. I've seen the pump to converter seal leak, the outer pump O-ring leak, the torque converter develop a small crack and leak, and the pipe plug in the lower part of the bellhousing leak. Also seen the dipstick tube o-ring leak and run down the bellhousing making it appear the front seal was leaking.

As for additives. Their the last thing I'd consider. All they do is swell up the seals. Notice I said seals (plural), not seal (singular)? That's because it'll do it to every seal in the trans. shortening their life. I know R&R'ing a trans. sucks but do it right.
If the seal has failed due to a groove in the converter snout, or bushing failure, or any other seal has failed for that matter, theres really no magic in a can that will fix much of anything. Ive seen fluid leak from the vent in the bellhousing too, usually from getting too hot or being over-filled.