Try to ID these wheels


Neal Zimmerman

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2016
Reaction score
Springfield Oregon
I picked these up a few years ago and have never been able to ID them. If possible I would like to find one more of them, because one is broken. They measure 14 x 6/ 5 on 4.5 pattern one piece castings. Very solid and sturdy feeling aluminum ( or magn?) wheels. Very light. Distinguishing marks on back side : One stamp that says A14 ( my guess would be that has to do with 14 inch (??), one raised stamp that says "OK T & R CO", and a sticker inside rim that say S-400. Note the spokes are round, no triangularity to them, and also the rim has no raised bead where it meets the rubber. Just smooth. I have not been able to find anything online that matches them. Come close a few times but not entirely. If I cant find another one I guess my 65
coronet will be running spokes on front and steelies out back. Or maybe I will just sell em.



Forgot more: I have a semi-theory that OK T & R Co might stand for OK Tire and rubber company. There used to be a franchise chain of OK tires out west here and maybe they were popping their own wheels. Started in 1953 and now gone. Couldnt find much on the companies history though.
FBBO member Pomona Missel (note spelling) has an amazing collection of old american racing wheels, and is our old mag (real magnesium) and aluminum rim expert. If you could get your pics to him, he might be able to i.d. them . My research says that there were at least a half dozen companys that copied the torque thrust, and the fact that yours dont have the safety bead rib means the are quite old, maybe late sixties?