Unemployed Klingons?



Aug 24, 2010
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Decatur, IL
The other day, when I was doing my regular unemployment certification on the Illinois IDES webpage, I just happened to notice that one of the languages that you could have the webpage translated into was Klingon. Yes, Klingon... Seriously? Are there really THAT many unemployed Klingons in Illinois that they had to add this as a language selection? While this capability is brought about through a free Microsoft Language plugin for the website, it still reeks of frivolity. People being on unemployment is no laughing matter. I am SO glad that the web programmers employed by the Great State of Illinois have nothing better to do with their paid time than to add something that is completely worthless to the people who depend on that website.

Anyway, that's my .02. Rant over!


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When I went for my big rig Driver exam and I saw all driving exams offered in 15 languages... WTF how many languages are the road signs in??
all joking aside ...really ...there should be only one language ENGLISH ......when I moved here I didn't know English very good, but I learned it and I didn't expect anyone else to learn my native language .....we are in North America here ...well US and Canada ......last time I checked we speak English here. so if you want to hang out with the mopar people then you need to learn how to communicate properly and that is in English LOL
Some programmer must've needed some overtime
all joking aside ...really ...there should be only one language ENGLISH ......when I moved here I didn't know English very good, but I learned it and I didn't expect anyone else to learn my native language .....we are in North America here ...well US and Canada ......last time I checked we speak English here. so if you want to hang out with the mopar people then you need to learn how to communicate properly and that is in English LOL

all joking aside ...really ...there should be only one language ENGLISH ......when I moved here I didn't know English very good, but I learned it and I didn't expect anyone else to learn my native language .....we are in North America here ...well US and Canada ......last time I checked we speak English here. so if you want to hang out with the mopar people then you need to learn how to communicate properly and that is in English LOL

North America also includes Mexico. Just pointing that out
Dammit! Captain Kirk's ,on vacation again.? Where is Spock's ***?.
I'm for English being the main tounge though try this was never a nation of one language. Spanish being the number two these days.
FYI for those who forget, in the early days of the nation, it was debated and the top two contenders for the nations base language and what would make it the one in print for paper work, signs and such was English and German.
all joking aside ...really ...there should be only one language ENGLISH ......when I moved here I didn't know English very good, but I learned it and I didn't expect anyone else to learn my native language .....we are in North America here ...well US and Canada ......last time I checked we speak English here. so if you want to hang out with the mopar people then you need to learn how to communicate properly and that is in English LOL

You are correct. Plus what made this nation great is that we are a "melting pot". This means that we leave many of our former countries' ways behind as we blend in with the new country. Speaking the same language is just the first step. If a group wants to shun this, they are only hurting themselves as they limit their ability to blend in with the English speakers. This especially includes employment and all the benefits included in a well paid job, in addition to a good education. Then it makes them an easy to identify group that the prejudiced idiots can target without difficulty.

The USA truly loves immigrants, legal immigrants.
I had a Klingon once and through some hard work and determination I was able to flick it off my finger! Maybe it is looking for employment again?
Since they stopped making Star Trek tv shows and movies, the Klingons need more work....
people who learn to speak klingon leave their mom's basement long enough to get jobs??

Sos gagny

(little google search brought up a translator, and above is klingon for "mother, non-specific obscenity")
people who learn to speak klingon leave their mom's basement long enough to get jobs??

Funny you say this. My wife's first husband, who just turned 44, still lives in his parents' basement, and he once tried to learn Klingon. True story!
HaHa! I'd love to see what kind of a job would have "Must be fluent in Klingon" as part of the job description.

So what about those who are unemployed and speak only Vulcan or Romulan? why are they being discriminated against?
If they don't find a job for those Klingons, they will just keep "hanging around".... :angry7: :evil4:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZS2-4-iUJ4"]The Firm - "Star Trekkin'" - ORIGINAL VIDEO - HQ - YouTube[/ame]